Sometimes it feels like that...
Right now I'm not only breathing but also smoking... ;) During the lesson... I'm a bad student...
Android please! ;)
Can I get something crazy?! Please!
Really nice! Both versions are looking good. One of the coolest thing that can happen to a saurus. ;)
Well thought the wagon + crew would use the normal rules... And the cold ones would be biting as usual, too. Sure there would be no impact hits...
Mondays seem to turn out quite boring in education things... But therefore much interesting in creative matters... [ATTACH] Solar engine or EotG...
P p p Pokerface [ATTACH] :D :D :P
Hehe... For sure with top hat! ;)
I'm always so creative when school is getting less busy short before the holidays! ;) today I made a palanquin for Mr. bighead... [ATTACH]...
I like the banner idea! And the idea with the giants head... Combined it would make a banner with a giant skull on top... And maybe some bigger...
Did practice some more... Trying to get to know the tools an so... And wanted to use the last bits of this fluffy stuff... So here is a big frog...
Did some practices on sculpting... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And a new armature for the time I will try to do a real sculpt... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
It's both... First take a look at the conditions like soil light moisture pH and nutrition etc. And then choose from the pool of fitting plants...
VG means VegetationsflächenGestaltung. Capital letters just for clarification... Ich mach im Moment meinen Techniker im Garten - und...
Homework done![ATTACH] Will see if the the structure comes out more clearly after painting it in school later... Might take a picture of the...
Cool! Seems like you had a good time! Btw do you already have a plan how to get the money for some many Christmas presents? ;)
Yeah! Cool one! I think I know this guy... Does it have small mark on it's belly saying "made in China"?;) Are you going to paint the dinosaur? Or...
That's a cool and effective method! Will they all have the same fur?
Cool! Thanks!