That's a point to consider... For invented names you will have to look that they are not too similar to already existing invented names. Real...
Good question... Hmm... I think I like the way it looks as it is. But maybe... Might look better if painted considering the rest of the army......
Happy birthday!
Congrats to all! I really enjoyed reading all the stories! (especially on my daily journey to college ;) ) Really had a hard time making up my vote.
Greatest news for the week! Made the Monday feel like Friday! ;)
I bought something... Ok two things... Ok three, to be honest... ;) First some vanish. Clear. To protect my models after they are finally getting...
So to avoid such problems I will find an agreement with my opponent to measure from certain points of the models like the tip of the nose or the...
Thanks alot man. I try my best! ;)
Yes.. For the first row of my troops... But the guy standing right behind them with the spear lifted up is always out of the 3" so if I want to...
Well... From this point of view I would change my vote for invented and English or lets say casual names... Something like lizards call the...
Thanks! Will ask for an autograph for you! ;) I also like him more and more every time I look at him. I think I will give him a proper base and...
So. Had some thoughts on the position of the weapons in aos. Especially my saurus with spears... I made them in a way that the first rank is...
Wow! That's a great looking piece of art! Really. Awesome!
I'm more for invented names. I think we're talking about invented dinosaurs so lets us invented names... And you can invent some new dinos much...
Or they have this astronauts pampers and get changed by the emperor and khorne themselves... :D
Great looking paintjob. But there is one thing I always ask myself when seeing 40k heroes.. What if this guy had to go to toilet? Seems quite...
Did some painting between learning rights and duties of educators and rights and duties of of educates... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] So now I have four...
Cool one. Will have to make some extras for my musicians,too... Btw how much of the crystal green did you make? A whole pot? ;)
No hair to cut of when be depressed about a lost childhood... So might be quite difficult. ;)
The shield is really first class! Also the mace! Brilliant!