Do you think GW has something against Seraphon?
Now that title has potential!
Actually I have a question about the choose who defends you thing, is this the 2003 grievous or the clone wars one?
The lord, he is ascending!
Do three small units owing to the fact that those are the battleline required (plus a scar vet) to make a firelance battalion which is highly...
Men even further back in the day [ATTACH] edit; actually they probably looked like this [IMG]
Is my generation gonna get drafted?
Good catch, thanks
I found it after some googling, here is he link to the site
Alright, here is the two wound warscroll [ATTACH]
If he doesn’t willingly talk, we can have the snakes force him to make a confession!
On its own it is a pretty forgettable attack :p
Looks good, but should we also have a 4+/4+ jaw attack?
We got two wound temple guard, but with the kitbashed bloodbowl saurus we could make two wound saurus warriors, so we might have an equivalent to...
@Erta Wanderer want to design two wound saurus warriors?
Isn’t the old world going to take a few years to revamp? It seems like would have a LOT of waiting to do.
I’m 90% certain that we are going to get further delayed in the favor of long dead factions...
Today I am crying in a corner about the utter lack of anything seraphon in warhammer open