I really don’t think that is a good achievement
I say we all just fantasize about what we might be getting
technically the dread saurian is feral, and god help you if you face one. What would really be nice is mount traits
Don’t punch them in the dick! Tear their heart out for Sotek :D Just get a bunch of carnosaurs, trust me it solves everything
With the new KO and Tzeentch stuff seraphon in February seems realistic
To real man, that’s way to real... Maybe the necrons will fall under the sway of Nagash? Not to bad, I can wait a couple of weeks for a new...
Well here we are: KO vs Tzeentch is next. Then the only people left will be use, so maybe we will get something in February [MEDIA]
Would have been better with this guy [ATTACH]
So the question is will we be getting the new battletome sooner or later? I would prefer sooner but right now that doesn’t seem likely @Killer...
Unlikely but here is to hope
With some luck we won’t be left waiting for to long, and I’m sure new seraphon sculpts would sell well as we really need new ones
Mother has forced me to meditate. in response I have convinced The entire family that the grinch is a fascist icon.
Pretty well, the front teeth on the lower jaw have been resculpted, and look decent
Dreadsaurian! [IMG]
Alright guys, it’s the big one! The dread saurian has been built!
Im guessing that those are the fourth edition models? pits incredible how models in general have improved
Sounds like fun, do you have a bat rep list? If not that’s cool, and the ark list looks pretty enjoyable to use
Instead we will just shoot them to the ground?
Looks awesome!