So I painted a carnosaur after my older gecko, so maybe I should paint the dread saurian like the smaller one?
this Christmas is going to be awesome. Thanks for the advice, my dad just ordered it :D
True true, and I’m already known at my local GW for having an absurd number of carnosaurs.... Sound advice that I must contemplate :D
So I have a question regarding what I should get for the Holidays. So to the point, should I get either A. A dread saurian B. Two boxes of temple...
So the question is do we have anything that can possibly deal with them? Maybe razordons could do the trick but I’m not sure we have any melee...
Nah they just want us to suffer from an old battletome for as long as possible
Kim guessing this probably means that we aren’t getting anything at all. GW clearly has decided that they want to neglect us in favor of smaller...
We folks in gen z know how to deal with Mortahi [ATTACH]
And it looks awesome while pounding your foes into the ground :D
Nah I doubt they play tested, or if they did they ignored it in favor of making ossiarchs more powerful
There is no hope, we probably aren’t getting anything
Welp looks like we aren’t getting anything :(
LoSaT becomes a prayer, skinks become 80 points and salamanders and razordons go to 70
With some luck we might get something fun, or we could get totally screwed. But hey it’s not like they have much to take from us
If carnosaurs and troglodons got a 3+ save and more rend they would be incredible. Although if you use the right artifact they can still be half...