Remarks: - Sunclaw oldblood can't be mounted. - starborne shadowstrike: it's a cheap way of getting additional CP/artifact as it's the cheapest...
good luck :p
Well that's just stupid... There's several issues with the way summoning appears to work now. First of it shouldn't be "just" a tool. It is one...
eh, well that's weird. Why the hell is it one in 5. Anyway yeah, bring 2 banners per 10, nothing stopping you and no real downside other than the...
blobs sure, but melee blobs (or well shieldless blobs) I'm more sceptical about.
yes, they share the same weakness of being squishy & making it fairly obvious what youré going to do. But plague monks don't need a boatload of...
ah thought you meant casting through it, not wondering through it once it's already been up for a moment.
there does seem to be a whole lot of bandwagoning going on though. As well as several people bending over backwards to defend it (or discredit the...
Why? They're skirmishers skirmishing, this is exactly what they should be doing. And given the CP cost it's even reasonably balanced (or at least,...
I mean, who couldn't see coming that doubling the range of every spell for free would be problematic. ... Seriously, why do morathi & Nagash...
imho, they're too squishy. A blob of 40 skinks without shields is stupidly easy to decimate. And it's also super obvious what you're planning on...
I don't think I've seen any in the other books though that were 4000+ points minimum. Most of the ones I can remember worked at around 3000-3500...
Competitive scenes tend to be were rules get lawyered. Plus, anyone acting like that in a LGS tends to run out of opponents who like to play with...
What exactly is the point of these? They require over 1000 points worth of battalion tax alone. That's without any actual units. The minimum cost...
Also, there might be more of those persons at tournaments. If you mostly play with friends it shouldn't be an issue ever.
You can garisson up to 20 wounds inside. This means you can put models in it that have a combined wound value of 20. E.g.: - 20 Saurus warriors -...
A 10 man unit with clubs is sufficiently strong to go and claim an objective. Nothing super exciting, but it's at least capable of holding its...
It isn't, it's basicly the same wording however with the caveat that now you need to do it before casting any other spells, so you can no longer...
The warchanter has an explicit limit though. It can pick 1 unit. Using it multiple times would break that limit. Admittadly this is a bit of...
We got a bazillion spellcasts given our many wizards, if you can get to 2-3 endless spells and then dispell them it can be quite amazing....