mine normally arrive after the actual release if I pre-order them, so next monday or tuesday in this case (assuming the post office doesn't screw up)
there's been a faq or errata at some point stating that that rules that state "instead of X you can do Y" don't require you to be actually capable...
this is them future proofing the rules. This way if they ever release a new model that already has the keyword they don't have to go back and...
meh, ghazkull at least survives in a properly ork-y manner. As for the primaris stuff, major character getting hurt so the only thing that can...
makes me wanne start an ork army.
and AoS factions are generally far smaller again. There's AoS faction with 6-7 different models. I'm sure those can be expanded upon relativly...
I just hope they stop releasing entire new armies, or in the case of stuff like the SCE chambers subfactions that might as well be entire new...
Meh, behemoth heroes are already limited by the behemoth keyword. Wizards are already kept in check (too much to an extend) by the rule of one....
the limit on heroes should really be looked at, it seems excessivly punishing on an army like ours that relies on heroes both for our biggest...
I vaguely remember there being some historical balista's that had multiple strings. Or at least an old design in a book that could've had multiple...
Looks like a house crawdor weapon. Given that two of the other gangs recently got some new models this wouldn't be surprising.
shame :( ah well.
Still, I want more spells to steal. Currently we only have a like 10 neutral endless spells and about 15 faction specific ones. It's fairly...
Meh, there's still combo's I guess. Things like spellportal or cogs. Cast them at the start, use their benefits to casting, then dispell them at...
I guess either to deal with multiple spells at once, to deal with endless spells with a higher cast value (are there any with a 10+?) or for...
imho, this is the best and only reason. Why bother with a 1+ if an unmodified 1+ flat out can't work. If you want to ignore rend 1 just put on a...
A reason why bound static spells are usefull has been revealed on the internets. So that explains why you might want to bting a bound pristmatic...
that mage thing looks so ugly His/her face looks wrong. The others are nice though
The new eternity warden as a whole makes no sense now that both he and the guards can jump in fron of the slann. Just get 5 guards instead....
remarks: - knights only get bonus damage on charges for their lances, not for their clubs. - Guards should basicly just be viewed as an upgrade to...