By the way, could you put the table of buffs in such a way that it can be ordered however the user wants? E.g. press a button get it ordered by...
An EoTG can work fine then. Especially if you have a free hero slot anyway. If you magnitize it or just stick it on top loosely you can even just...
well I guess someone might want to field a back-up... but yeah, with the weird limitation of 1 on the engine rolls it's a bit stupid... On a...
EoTG needs other multi-wound models to heal for it to be worthwhile. So don't field it on its own, have it bring some stegadon friends (or...
mwha, it's become a capable healbot with significant range & the attack option has changed to be more reliable as it now allows you to pick...
yeah whoever came up with the new setup needs a course in UX... you've got to scroll way too far for the basic info about the model.
fair enough when you use Nagash's hand of dust or soul stealer, but say quicksilver swords or other more "physical" spells like a regular fireball...
well that results in rather a stupid situation RAW then :P I'd be curious if it gets errata'd, or at least F.A.Q.-ed, cuz having it affect some...
I think people ignore it cuz it's too stupid to be true... The thing is already fairly underwhelming without this idiotic drawback.
[ATTACH] substract 1 damage from all succesfull attacks. Not damage characteristics. Also, even if it was damage characteristics: I'd argue that...
RAW I would actually say you'd get to do the entire thing twice as it specifies the weapon has 1 attack, and no longer has X attacks per model. So...
Some remarks: - Starpriest venom is also usefull on elite units, not just on hordes. For example a stegadon has a potential 19 attacks (without...
I think an ark bastiladon might be the more interesting choice now. It makes for an absolute beast in melee. And you can make for some silly...
what did you make that out of? I can't tell if it's plastic or clay.
can't say that's an entirely fair comperison given that you're comparing a msu with a max sized unit.... Also 3 salamanders massivly outdamage 3...
Make 3 ripper chiefs, they're cheap enough that using multiple is viable. And meh, you could always just build the terradon chief for the...
you could build a terradon & ripper chief with 1 box without too much trouble. The last remaining model could be an additional chief (with some...
Bounding has the advantage they can't immeadiatly summon a new one, so it still has some use, even if it's limited. But yeah, we really need more...
go to the page for a given model. Scroll down to "downloads" click on the pdf it's below the paint section like this: [ATTACH]
Geminids are going to be similarly usefull for debuffing an important target. Give those nasty scary doomstars coming for you a permanent -1 to...