Making special rules for the sake of having special rules serves no purpose. In the case of shields, none of those units have the choice to not...
Also, it annoys me Kroak's melee profile doesn't have a minimum value. It's kind of silly for him to struggle to duel an enemy hero simply because...
we can bind enemy spells? Awesome. imho the new command ability is healthier and more fun. And fairly neutral in terms of nerf/buffs. It changes...
We might be swimming in CP, but we also blow through them at an astonishing rate. Having a source that doesn't cost CP can have its uses. As for...
In fairness, the main reason claws of glory was bad was cuz we had 300 different ways of getting those re-rolls. Removing the redundancy was...
imho, that's great, and actually interesting. It's also far more skirmish-y than the old wary fighter. I like it. plus, with how many CP skinks...
what can I say, people are silly and dramaqueens... In a week we'l have a F.A.Q. and they'l be moaning again until 2 days later @LizardWizard...
weight of numbers ftw. Also, yaay skink heroes actually get a halfway decent shooting attack so they get to do something from the backline aside...
The problems of making the fluff match the actual tabletop... they never should've made Nagash or Kroak playable characters, hell even a slann...
well that looks terrible...
I think in this particular case you're going to have to take into account some of them as we have a bunch that are fairly impactfull and have a...
I'm not sure if the slann/oracle line is D3 for having any slann/oracle or D3 per slann/oracle. Also, the spell sacrifice seemed to be D3 as well...
Meh, I'd rather have something more stable than yet another diceroll. Imho that's the biggest issue with what I've seen so far, there's huge...
meh, I'm fine with the summoning spam dissappearing. But I do hope we can actually summon something usefull more than once in the entire game....
meh I wouldn't say "less skill based". It's more that now the army is playable without needing to be good enough to plan 3 turns ahead. Previously...
it also rewards bringing multiple wizards, and it makes it so that you're no longer going to have 1 slann sitting in a corner which is imho nice....
It has some hilarious potential whenever you do get lucky. plus with 18! attacks it's actually going to be fairly reliable. imho as a...
imho the changes seem good, most of the "issues" seem to be that it wildly changes existing lists, not necesarly that anything is truly weak....
50 for a razordon/salamander, 40 for a unit of handlers I think. With a discount for razordons/salamanders if you took them in 4's. meh, it at...
yeah, so far it looks good. And at the very least, it looks fun. With nothing immeadiatly looking OP or mandatory like our current slann. I just...