How? The only thing that was shown so far that has potential for abuse is the bound endless spells depending on how exactly that works. But...
it's a shame, they're one of the more interesting chaos races as they're one of the few to actually have a civilization and not just be hellbend...
I still feel that list shouldn't include knights :p The main advantage the rend for clubs brings is that 10 man units of saurus are now actually...
meh, I hope it's not the only special rule the fang of sotek gets. It seems underwhelming if all constelations get is 1 whole rule... even if it's...
I'm hoping we can steal an enemy's spell as well. That'd make it so amazing. And such a fun counter mechanic as well.
Here, have a cool starseer picture they just posted. [IMG]
yeah, this is kinda weird in hindsight. Maybe you can also make an all bastiladon army?
yeah this surprised me. Makes me curious what the hell they're doing with Kroak. Though can't say I'm complaining. It's exactly the kind of stuff...
yeah, but tzaangor especially are a disaster. So many tiny lines that need tracing. And I'm still using a fairly simplistic colourscheme, and I...
can I say why you're all wrong about everything? I wanne be productive too and you've already divied up all the usefull jobs :p
where's the fun in describing it honestly? :p Also, it seems to be more a melted person than ashes, like in acid. Some parts appear to still have...
The tzaangor from the aetherwars box, these didn't even take me centuries to paint like the last batch of tzaangor I did. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
meh, useable & interesting is good enough, don't need to be slaanesh 2.0 :p
meh, more worried about that SC set bein a 100,-. It's already a fairly underwhelming box as you don't have many options for alternative loadouts...
kinda curious about the squig box and why they put it together. It's such a random collection with no internal cohesie.
it's even a buff in the right areas, so so far it makes me carefully optimistic. At the very least it seems to go in the right direction.
[ATTACH] Unfortunatly the summoning has definitly been fluffed as " they sit around in space a lot, and thus mortals mistake them for magic"
6CCP in the current system might be too cheap. But I'd be inclined to argue he should be more similar in cost to 10 skinks than to 20. Keeping the...
yeah, it's a shame they're apparently completly doing away with the memory bit. It was rather unique, and imho kinda interesting. It's a shame...
yeah, but the 20 skinks bring far more bodies & the oldblood isn't going to kill 19 enemies to "even out" the bodycount. However, compared to say...