yeah, you're going to have to scroll through wiki's, books, white dwarfs etc. to get the full lore, and more than a very very basic understanding...
No, but each added army is another one you need to keep track of and at least vaguely understand. For strictly gameplay reasons you need to know...
Not just competitivly, even playing on a fairly casual basis you need to at least vaguely understand whatever it is your opponents are capable off.
O sure, the occasional new faction is good. I just feel they've reached the point where they should slow down a little while ago. We're nearing in...
To be honest i'm curious why they've been releasing at such an astonishing rate. For the past few years we've been averaging like 4-5 entirely new...
Khorne also has two. And don't the nighthaunt have two? Also, the new crypt hunters game looks halfway interesting as well.
it'd be hilarious if they'd make the announcement on a monday just to annoy the people counting down :p
To some extent, but the difference is minor.
- Saurus units are a bit weirdly sized. I don't personally dislike the sculpts, but it's odd that say a tzeentch arcanite cultist is like a head...
In additions to what's already mentioned: - Focus heroes if at all posibile. They're clear lynchpins, especially in a daemon army with their...
Oldblood isn't bold in that text, so it's not a keyword but a reference to the actual unit. So no the mounted variant doesn't get it. Also, it'd...
The models are great, it's just the actual game I don't truly see the appeal off. Maybe it's just cuz I only played with the starter set and the...
Why is underworld so popular anyway? Out of the various GW games I've played I've found it to be the least interesting by a significant margin.
I would assume it's more of a matter of jungle overruns it's neighbourhood if you don't cut it down and they need settlers to maintain their new...
o nice, usually when a herald picture is released it isn't much longer till the proper release.
They really should just reintroduce point costs for load-outs. 1 unit always costing the same regardless of loadout is problematic. You end up...
The oversized, and overpriced, BLT things on nice bread that the restaurant thing in the building I work has. Marmalade loving bears are the best...
Yeah, chaos dwarfs is the first thing it made me think of. Maybe SoB are eastern oni's? It also looks a bit like south-east asian...
meh, they don't necesarly need to retcon it, but they do need to explain it to the reader. Even if it's a relativly "weak" explenation like "the...
It might attempt to figure out the prophecies on it's own, and in doing so learn to function more independently to some extend. But for the most...