I like the way the whole army is involved. I would like some unit or character based blessings as well... But this one fits good to the image of...
And the discussion continues...:P
Selfitime! Me trying to look like a slann...[ATTACH] And just kind of normal [ATTACH]
Really good that one!
I think his experience with aos isn't that much bigger than yours...;) and this summoning thing cause trouble all over. Don't take it to personal...
I paint in the living room. And that sometimes leads to some discussion with my wife cause I'm lazy when it comes to packing all the stuff away...
And it's starting to get into African food as well! My wife sometimes buys a can in the Asia store and puts it in the vegetables. (My wife is from...
I do!
But forgot one thing... Building terrain! Or does that count to furniture in this case?
She should have a tv-show which I could let my wife watch! :D
Simple but effective! Great!
If I understand you right you have one that's complete... Here I Germany some copy shops have 3d printers so you can scan and print your parts...
Yes. Lets say it's quite inspiring. ;) also I feel free to try some ideas cause 9th age and the complete new fluff that is possible. So I but...
Hi. This time no painting... I started my watchtower... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And the plans for the next two years...;) [ATTACH]
Sounds like a whole lot of work. But makes me interested in the results.
Good thing. There is a land route to Germany!:D
The slan is impressive! (second pic)
Well if one gets this money... One could really make a job out of it... Just paint two in a month and sell them... Edit: And I think some of you...
Nice.especially the second toad!