So you don't play rippers, then?
@Silverbolt , good to see you and my how you've grown. Better get n810 to resize your avatar!
Good topic My tradition was to double space just about any punctuation not in the middle of a phrase, a habit which i picked up for clarity...
A hearty cold blooded welcome to you (no hugs) You'd better get over to the custom avatar thread with a user name like that.
Konichi-hola-bongiorno, El Caimán. Glad to have you with us. That is a pretty smooth avatar you have there - I'll be keeping an eye out for it...
You spoil that panda.
Just you know why Why you and I Will by and by Know true love ways
Bow to the Panda He brings light in the darkness We are unworthy ........_/\_ .'''''.../.......\ .'''''..[][][]...\0._.0/..[][][]
Bow to the Panda He brings light in the darkness We are unworthy ....__/\_ .'''''.../.......\\. .'''''..[][][]...\0._.0/..[][][] Haiku +...
Hey @Cristhian MLR, It was the music I was pointing you towards... ... And I don't think they have tigers in Kenya. But sorry for the offence...
Hola Christhian. This should make you feel at home...
I can wait. It hurts but i can wait - it will be worth it.
Interesting thoughts. My idea on the subject: You should get out more!
Horror theme - it should be tense!
Them is fighting words The force is strong on L-O Star Trek v Star Wars
Who limits our fun And places demands that are Unreasonable? (Clue: rhymes with Nalenex) I am Hard at work on the horror. I promise it will be...
Disposability. Disposable - like trash, or inconvenient corpses. (there might be another uncommon use of that word, but I don't want to take the...
If you are speculating what might happen in my basement, don't forget there is a horror based short story competition underway. You could share...