That's a relief. Wait... Disposability??? Wasn't there this other Freddy guy who sounded a bit like this? Welcome to the forum (and I will be...
That's a religion worth getting brainwashed for. Please purge me clean of my filthy earthly money!
Shush, Ace. They definitely won't want chicken feathers on all of their artwok.
It is looking... for BAMBOO!!!!!!!
And there is a horror theme. I am willing to bet my last ixti grub that if there is an entry called "Fraternity House Lizard Slayers of the...
I just found this thread. Good on you Scalenex for putting your head above the parapet - you know I value your stuff too. Ilike the freedom of...
Makes me think of the Kermit one @Andhe picked up on page 41 of this thread. A rework possible? [IMG] Gonzo wouldn't look out of place with...
I think he is serious about this, n810. Senõr Slann
Way too much time on your hands. I challenge Senõr Slann to a duel to the death with my Zorba the Greek Ogre Horde!
Are you the only one?. No! You will never be alone while you have Cripple Cripple Little Star with you - but how could he not be considered special?
I am very much enjoying lizardtopia - please continue!
A Trociu haiku without a fishy surprise no Troć Wędrowna! The nomadic troć must be wandering today (your English is great)
2 weeks no wifi Technology wilderness No spellcheck either :p
Awesome, Phatmofo I'm glad you got refocused. are you still tweaking? the first is stalking body pressed low to sneak up close strikes without...
blame Games Workshop scatter and artillery dice now redundant
LawGnome has reviewed our mighty Lustrian force. Cynicism much? terradon takes flight flapping and squawking loudly spineburl is bad perch...
I know ;) Isn't it sad that we've changed games systems while waiting for Chessex to fix the Audi door handle factory.
Caxhuatn stalkers Get back to work lazy slob, Phatmotha-phucka!
"Norse" is a one syllable word - one unit of sound. "Ignoramus" has four separate sounds. "Barbarian" is you. 5. Here' is' a' hai'ku 7....
Slanputin responds Is it wisdom he provides? No. The usual. Age of Sigmar comes 8th edition becomes nerfed Nightbringer's tears fall Bodies fall...