New Friends 7/9/15 @Jack Woltz in The Godfather [img] @Hyperborean in The Godfather [img] This has been a WIP for the longest time. Ever...
2643383 Bacon IS brain food!
Sorry to hear you are a bit under the weather. If I can help to limit your effort by directing you to the best story, let me know. The other...
@Infinity Turtle cracked it. I still don't understand why the numbers are seemingly random.
The Perils of Fathers Day in the Realm of Chaos: Part 1 Buying a gift for Father Nurgle [img] Have a happy Fathers' Day
One more chapter to go - just read that and you don't need to worry about the rest. If you don't even have enough time for that... [SPOILER]
Hey @Rikard, got a commish for you - Details' Jaguecko
Chapter 24 The High Council of the Empire The Emperor Elect and his supporters speculated as to the elves’ purpose outside the city. With no...
I want a battalion box with those in please. Here is my money. :greedy::greedy::greedy::greedy::greedy:
For a panda, you do seem to know an awful lot about all of the undead lizards on this site.
I'd like to do it myself, it's just that I have low initiative. Curse this cold blood!
I have been lax. Should i create a temple of Aartzifartzi niche for Carnosaurs? I had in mind to do one each for most of the army list.
I'm pretty sure Scolonex doesn't vote, so.... How are you going today, Pendrake, old buddy old pal? Need help with that vote?
Just go ahead and do it, n810. You know you want to....
You are my best buddy, @pendrake. Do you want some help choosing which one to vote for?. Your second vote is kind of irrelevant.
Blue guys awesome? -> Proof. [MEDIA]