Chapter 23 The Envoys The signaller and the troops on Altdorf's wall were all but hypnotized as they drank in their first view of elf-kind....
You are an impatient panda - I have been fictioning 'til my fingers bleed this last two weeks. It is with bloody stumps that I post the next...
If you are after a personalised avatar, just drop n810 a line here with your specifications. I am very happy for you to use Jeb or Old Mossy's...
On the Use of Ersatz and other such Bullenscheisse, I am of course aware that fluent and native German speakers are among the potential audience....
@Tlac'Natai the Observer - Epic Fail! That's twice now you've blown your "Observer" status by commenting. You should give up and post your...
Hooray! A ripperdactyl will fly out of my TV!
Obadiah? I think we had your cousin on here a while back. [img] Welcome - let us relive the good old days of 8th Edition together!
Dietary and philosophical advice should probably go into the "General Chat" subforum. Oh wait - you have already found it.
You are truly great, O Great One.