A block of 40 saurus warriors and a sunblood would be pretty scary to see but I might be facing slaanesh so it’s probably not viable.
Seeing a trog drop down should be pretty fun, especially the look of horror on my opponent’s face. Your right Seraphon summoning is great at this...
True true, so just keep the slann?
Last minute paranoia, would this work better? Allegiance: Seraphon Leaders Saurus Astrolith Bearer (160) - General - Trait: Thickly Scaled Hide...
So maybe salamanders and the like would do? If razordons don’t work we are in trouble
Ossiarchs do look scary, but we should be able to deal with them in some form or another. After looking at their warscrolls and the army lists...
Dam right we do
We get it, your excited, we are all excited. please have mercy and diversify your topics. For the greater good ;)
We almost certainly will be getting a new battletome in 2020, and if rumor has it by January. This most likely means updated warscrolls and...
Alright, tested it out against a death army and wiped the floor with them. I’m pretty pleased
Sounds good! I hopefully won’t be seeing any of those guys on the table
Shooting plus solid battleline. Any tactics/ counters to this is should be aware of?
So the local GW is holding an escalation league starting at 500 points. How does this list look? Allegiance: Seraphon Leaders Slann Starmaster...
Very well done! The use of color and contrast on the model is very nice.
overall this list is pretty solid with good board control and killing potential. All I would do is swap the salamanders for razordons as the...
It is possible, but wouldn’t the rifle be stuck into the ground which would be visible in on the shot? It’s a cool idea though
That looks incredible! Very nice work you have done
That is very possible, but it doesn’t make sense for it to be pointing downwards. it might be some kind of Skaven bell
Would you do it for a Scooby snack?
Sounds like a plan, it may take a while though