Ah, yeah the free Guild general on griffon is pretty tough. However if the two went head to head my money would be on the carnosaurs. We also have...
Which unit is the lower graph? also which carnosaur are we talking about, as the Oldblood can hit hard and the scar vet with warspear and sword...
Allegiance: Seraphon Leaders Slann Starmaster (260) Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (240) Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One (100) Skink Starpriest...
I definitely agree with most of what you say here. The only ways we can win are through summoning and teleports. However we do have some...
@NIGHTBRINGER Oh ok, that is a solution @DeathBringer125 its the dryness from forced heat, not much that can be done there:(
A nosebleed drenched my hoodie in blood. explaining it at school should be fun
They have a few in cities of sigmar. Stuff like the wood elves have blond hair
ADHD says I can’t wait. The chaos gods say I can. And school tells me I will be so exhausted I can’t do anything about it
So just wait for the new book? Sounds good, hope it comes out soon
Yep that would do it
Just tickle their feet, that should do
I think they have something big for us, atleast I hope. We’ve been delayed for a while but based on our history use getting totally dropped is...
Chaos has memes, order doesn’t. Easy choice really
I prefer joining chaos
Great Archaon, it’s incredible!
As I recently acquired archaon and in light of the new update, I decided I want to be chaos as @NIGHTBRINGER told me I was. So I came up with this...
With archaon as my centerpiece, these new models will be great additions to my planned chaos army, fighting in the name of the meme god and his...
Just tear off the rider and stick an oldblood on it. Besides carnosaurs are cooler. As for killing, we can kill stuff, we just have to be...