Crap your right, good catch! maybe drop the handlers and a salamander? I’ll figure something out edit: list fixed
Alright, so some stuff had to be cut, but this does follow suggested advice. Man would not want to be on the receiving end of all those boulders...
As @Erta Wanderer said the old ones coming back would be awesome and fits in well with the presence of gods in AoS. Also blessed spawning would...
It’s a wack idea, and is almost certainly not going to happen. but it would make for an interesting short story!
Alright, I have made an integrated list with even more mortal wounds potential, what are your thoughts? Allegiance: Seraphon Mortal Realm: Ulgu...
Indeed, that is very potent but definitely not as ridiculous as +1 save. Hopefully they implement something like this as playing against forbidden...
I never actually considered terradons but they do make sense now. Against ossiarchs a big unit of say six could be dealing a lot of damage, but...
Petrifex is added to a list of forbidden words, because dam it is ridiculously overpowered. but salamanders do offer a viable solution to all...
Is this in Australia?
So I have been doing lots of thinking on this and we do have a few ways to deal with them if you want to kill them, salamanders are the way to...
I’m not sure how it feels but it probably tastes like grape
Excuse me, but archaon has some awesome stuff on his warscroll and his command ability is flat out incredible
Time to start building my army around archaon. Man the images look awesome
@LizardWizard here is a question. So in the ossiarchs list a heavy emphasis is placed on using the mortal wound output on the saurus knights would...
Little did they realize though, that underneath the filthy SCE imagery, were the glorious tomb kings who fought in Settra’s name! man has this...
So much arcane power is released in the cycle that a fifth chaos god is summoned, @NIGHTBRINGER !
Acceptable, but you should remove their imagery
That should do it, their armor can’t save them forever against righteous fury
Well I watched the mandalorian, both reptiles approved