I have tow of the fifth edition. The one on the left and the one in the middle. Didn't like them much when buying or lets say was disappointed...
Thanks for that. I will try both and show you the results. Maybe I will strip of and repaint some of the models.
Hi. Decided to try around a little more this weekend. Found some good advise in the linked painting tutorials. Will show of with the results to...
I quess they did it better in the balewind vortex scenery scroll... "if you own a model of the balewind vortex..."
You're right.atm I'm doing the basics most of the time. Basing is usually my very last step when the model is finished. So on the pics you see son...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] He's not finished on these pics. Will show more later. Here is my one and only kroxigor. Also a metal piece.[ATTACH]
Hi! Been reading this thread for some time before I singed in and I think it's quite an interesting question. From my point of view it's sure...
That's right! That's what I intended. Thanks for the priest. Will show more of him later.
My skinks. With oxyotl and priest.[ATTACH]
I hope you can see what I mean here.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I would say I paint like I feel. I usually start with two or three models of a unit and once I decided what the color of the skin is I stay with...
Hi Here's what if produced in the last few months. I have to say that I do not really use a special colorsheem for my whole army caus I like it...
Hi. I' m trying to get into the game again after I had a kind of passive phase for ten or twelve years. first Started in the days when stegadons...