Well it could be Seraphon, it’s us or stormcast if the symbol is azyr as we are the only guys up there
Or saurus knights, they can kill stuff
This thread shall not be claimed by a toxic argument!
Affirmative, 5th chaos god!
I enjoyed fighting them, but I wouldn’t pledge myself to nurgle. I’ve already pledged myself to the memes!
Good idea, some play testing and greater analysis will be required. Very likely salamanders or razordons should do the trick
I’m gonna try stop a potential argument before it becomes an issue. has anyone pre ordered ossiarchs or had any new thoughts on how we can kill them?
Tzeentch and khorne
This forge world behemoth https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-US/Vorgaroth-the-Scarred-and-Skalok-the-Skull-Host-of-Khorne-2018
Khorne, fun to play against and dragons, same story with nurgle. Both very interesting opponents
That makes me feel better
That means a lot. Thank you :)
Between fighting depression or school, I choose fighting depression
Amen, great god of memes
This thread is under the process of being liked. As such your posts have been liked. More memes please!
Im just going to chase them away with a spear
Forgive me [ATTACH]
Really the ultimate value of skinks is not in their kills, it’s their tactical value at so low a price.their kills don’t matter as we have...
Skinks and their combat is interesting, if you get enough they can deal meh damage. Their purpose is similar to ancient javelin throwers, to...