Other than minor grammatical errors it looks pretty epic! Very well done!
Quizlet in a nutshell
How many sacrifices do you want? guys, if your sick of seraphon’s crappy warscrolls check out the fan made battletome
Yeah, that’s a pretty accurate description of our habits
Never sat down in a public bathroom, and I never intend to do so. But the meme is right, so girls shall not be allowed in my tree house
Cry over my workload
His memes have kept me sane in high school. Although I could make a version with lustria instead
We do have the jungle hunter which could help in him being oversized on the table and allow better terrain traversing. Anyways I look forward to...
Oh yeah. We are missing a warscroll, would you like to do the dread saurian?
More seraphon, you can never have to many reptiles. If you start another army the chameleon skinks gonna get you
Yesterday I picked up some paint, and the guy at the store told me the contrast I was using would need to be shaken intensely. I asked if...
I have one of those, it’s from Venice! Halloween I initially passed out candy in it, and got a few screams. Then I donned my combat gear and hid...
dam, I knew 40k was dark but that takes it to a whole new level Yes, yes I have the time. He does not serve, he rules!
Thanks, I’m indoctrinated with the lizardmen but I need the same with the Tau. These memes will help, for the greater good. Real talk here, these...
Yep, I can see it now, probably the device being stupid. Thanks!
@NIGHTBRINGER dear meme god, I may have sinned. I picked up kill team and I’m going to stick saurus tails on the tau and give them claws. Can we...
A pun, while always somewhat cringe is a good Jurassic park pun. You shall be spared Don’t see anything, am I missing something? Just read...
Sounds good, 3 wounds for 150 seems fairly balanced
So maybe 2 wounds and 5 models per unit for 120 points? We could also increase speed. The problem I have with a five man unit with 3 wounds each...