Novatomato Quote: You are wasting your time, coming to here court my flavour!
Well done? I hate that guy / girl / thing! He / she / it can do foregrounds and backgrounds, shading and show characters from different angles....
No, silly. Pay attention - he's The Doctor from 2012. It's all a timey-wimey and complicated. Here is my authorisation. <Waves slightly psychic...
oooh! A plan! I should try that out.
Tantrum, hey?. My kids used to behave in much the same way. In a few hundred years he will have grown out of it. It is worth using the word...
This is all bubbling along nicely. Your superhero / superpower alliance is set to grow - I hope you've got an even bigger threat than the last...
Oh, @Kcibrihp-Esurc , you are back. < reaches for bottle of Advil >
I had some ideas, but they were getting too elaborate. Like: The sauce of my rage is hotter than an exploding sun! or What do you mean, you...
It was meant to be "tomato-ey", but hey, it's your avatar.
Old Friend 9/8/15 @novatomato [img] Caption competition, anyone?
It's quiet. Too quiet. Do you want to see what you can do for @novatomato [img]
@novatomato - I just wanted to remind you of the great service you did by opening this thread back in the day. When you rejoined us this year, I...
Come, Patsy.
Eechum yuk nuk! That's "I like war paint!" in Ewok.
How, how, how did I miss this until now? This stuff just keeps getting stronger. The Lustrians have been on the front for for a long time, so a...
I guess. @JamJar is from New South Wales somewhere. Might be good to ask him.
No tahnks. I got spell adn grammer cheek on mi fone
Concerning Hobbits Skaven I'm sure I've mentioned elsewhere the learning I got from Scalenex's experience on the Under Empire Forum - If you...
Oh, here please, or in "Hype draws lizardmen" and I will quote it back here. I was hoping this could the repository of all ignorance about...