One of the KO subfaction abilities (on facebook). Not too exciting, but does make them less of a pushover in melee at least. There's a lack of...
up next, ranked voting polls!
RoseThorn: "Primo Victoria!!!!" There corrected it for you. edit: don't ask me why half of it is green. The editor on this forum seems to...
there isn't one yet?
well yes, but which things. Whatever is more important than silly lizardmemes and such.
Happy early/belated/appropriatly timed* New Year *select whichever is applicable in your timezone.
meh the fyreslayers suffer from being an overgrown cult. As a subfaction of the old dwarfs they were cool and interesting. On their own it just...
at least it was an halfway interesting tree. This is just a fairly plain sheath
why though?
Dwarfs, skaven, what's the difference really. Both are short, greedy and like digging tunnels :P Meh, I'm sure it exists. It just seems to be far...
meh it could be a rumour engine for the new aelven stuff made by tyrion that'l be coming eventually. Plenty of rumour engines that take half a...
meh looks elvish. That's all.
See art like that seems to be relativly rare in fantasy (and to some extent 40K) When I think WFB art I think more of stuff like this: [IMG]...
Yeah, but those weren't exactly resplendid. They're messy meatgrinders filled with dirty men in dented armour, what heraldy they carry is tattered...
meh, fantasy was never a grand adventure of splendour. It was mostly filled with squalor & misery in nearly every way. I'm kinda curious how the...
The actual article for those who haven't seen it yet. Rather curious what's supposed to curtail turn 1 assaults with this though. Several boats...
It's functionally the same as it's a (semi)permanent moveable non-unit model usually with AoE effect that is summoned with a spellcast (or ritual)...
well in fairness, Khorne's totally not endless spells are still just endless spells. So functionaly it doesn't matter much what you call em.