Some horrors. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I don't think GW will accept that as payment though :P But if you want it, go ahead and buy it. Can't exactly fault someone for wanting the...
well that is very underwhelming.
What is the difference between the limited editions and regular ones anyway?
meh, spawning pools imho would be a weird terrain piece. I mean, why in the world would we be making a spawning pool on the battlefield? Those...
So 40K is going to have rigid units now? That's eh, weird.
In fact I only have eh, 30 I think. Got distracted by a tzeentch army. And an adeptus mechanicus one (which isn't much more than 5 or 6 units, but...
Look on the bright side, you won't have to paint another 100 skinks this way, the first 100 you've painted wil suffice :p
Ah wait I misremembered, it was this: Amplified Sorceries: If you cast an Endless Spell, it's always the empowered version, regardless of what...
CoS mages can pick from the lists of realm spells. Regardless of what realm you're playing in (or even are playing in a realm).
well that gives me two whole months or so to finish like 4 different armies :p
I Hope the skink heroes get to interact with it too. If only to make the slann less mandatory. Doubt it, our teleport is far from unique,...
The bulk of em got absorbed into CoS, then there's some that got discontinued like the spireguard or reavers: [IMG] [IMG] I don't think these...
I really should continue my skitarii army already... I'm building far too many armies at the same time.
Meh not a fan of the new aelves, they look too much like an army on parade in ceremonial armour. Would've prefered it if they stuck a bit closer...
Obviously they're AOS anwser to dreadnoughts, we already have fantasy marines, intern one in a giant and you got fantasy dreadnoughts :p
regular ogors count as 2 models. Monsters count as 10. It's an allegiance ability called might makes right. Imho, it wouldn't work very well for...
That would be an interesting contrast at least :p
Isn't archeon supposed to be able to duel allarielle & nagash and such? He's definitly the "weakest" demi-god-thing as he doesn't have much...
Would be a shame if they're lacking. Cuz I'd love to stick it in a tzeentch army as a potential hero that can actually do something in melee. Much...