it seems to be a slightly better deal, it also includes paint (which conquest doesn't seem to if you look on their page) But yeah, 2 armies (SCE...
Conquest is at 5 or 6 countries now I think. The mortal realms just two. I'm halfway tempted to just get a subscription and have it delivered at...
Mortal realms magazine is being released in spain & Uk. Seriously don't understand why they're releasing these magasins in so few countries....
I'd guess no store would actually approve of em as they are simply too different & it's going to get confusing for other players if you play with...
They don't need it, but they also don't have any downside for taking it. It's just a powerfull & free tool to them. Essentially all factions want...
Nurgle as well, at least if they want to even attempt to summon something. Plus the zone of control it gives is absolutly brilliant.
An updated to an existing faction creates a bump in popularity, allowing you to sell some left-over stock. And since you already have that laying...
I really wish they'd state how many factions they're going for. Cuz they're pumping stuff out at an alarming rate while old stuff is rarely...
If I were a slann I'd just be correct, cuz however I remember it would be the way it was :p
Yeah the perspective plays some funny tricks in that picture.
yeah I think I just misremembered.
nah, that's definitly not the one.
No there was a different one, which I think was this ogers shoe, but as seen from above. Lemme see if I can find it. edit: can't find it anymore,...
well yeah, if you're a greenskin... but usually humans have to obey the laws of physics (more or less)
Sisters are finally getting an actual permanent release. Instead of that one army box that immeadiatly sold out. On a sidenote, how ridiculously...
Did it? just remembered the metal outline of the shoe. Don't remember nails. As well as the shoe being this exact shape. Would be surprised if...
his shoe is one of the recent rumour engines
And they're quite simple to paint as well. Barely did anything, and the end result is actually a quite realistic wall, which as my girlfriend puts...
Finally finished the bits of terrain I was working on. They've turned out quite well. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
mwha the old one made perfect sense. The SC gave you various daemons and if you got 3-4 of them you'd have most of your daemon needs covered. Then...