has more actually been revealed about those? Thought it was just the warband in shadespire.
that'd require them to get their heads out of their asses for long enough to actually admit that they screwed up and should've told the dwarfs...
meh, "weak" bonus attacks like this have their uses. You see it especially on the bigger models. 1 big attack, with few attacks but great hit and...
two? Which is the other? We could go against nurgle. They're also relativly old at this point & works as a sensible fight. The horn looks...
stuff like the regimental standard remains one of the best ways to give little insights into a world, always love those kinda things.
ah nevermind, misread, thought you said "KO points going nuts" so was expecting something unbalanced.
I just have a girlfriend who'l glare at me if I buy too much in any given time period, or when too many models are starting to overrun the kitchen...
well, what good would a tank be that can't barrel roll :p
Explain? I don't know the changes and they don't look like particularly weird points.
That too, and sisters are the only female faction that's actually fully clothed as well. So yeah, anyone that wants to use a relativly serious...
well yeah, but that's just shapes and looking cool wins there. Most players won't realize that they don't use the best track design anyway. But...
It helps that's she's not wearing some weird suit of armour where they can't decide making between her look attractive or making the armour look...
Horny teenagers discovered them I guess? In all honesty, before I started really getting into 40K there were a few images I would occasionally...
O, I like this new scroll. It's a more powerfull caster, it can actually hurt something in melee now having 3 attacks instead of a measly 1. Makes...
It's quite odd that it doesn't even beat a tank of the time when the land raider was concieved. I mean you would expect them to at least compare...
yeah, that's a hell of a lot better than the model.
..... talk about milking a release... how long has it taken them? Hell currently there's basicly no soraritas units available.
wasn't a bunch released a little while back? OR was that just their one army box?
probably just the effect of christmas and GW's inability to actually keep a decent stock. The new StD start collecting box has been sold out for...
Well what else are we going to do with our time? :P