fortunatly they're easy to kitbash given that they're just a mess of tentacles. Just stick random bits together and you've got 99% of a chaos...
Endless spells for tzeentch Interesting bits: - Any tzeentch wizard can use it, that includes a slaves to darkness tzeentch wizard, or a tzaangor...
Meh, I wouldn't be surprised with 1 or 2 new sculpts of an existing model, and then quite possible a dual one. E.g. a combined guard/warrior...
meh, most of it doesn't seem too likely to be super dominant so far. There's some powerfull and usefull stuff. But nothing that's immortal, and...
meh, saurus just shouldn't be a 40 man horde unit. 2 wounds 4+ save would be fine if you didn't bring 40 of em (and even then, there's sturdier...
in fairness, tzeentch's cheat dice have been around since it's first tome. So not like we could steal that anyway. The mechanic itself makes less...
well they are connected with the realmgates & there are some neat ideas, like the city that's build around one (hammerfall?) with one side in the...
meh, it'd also mean a lot of modifiers would no longer work. I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being worse on account on everything becoming...
Since the lord of change is first and foremost a caster I suspect he'l always be less problematic than a keeper of secrets. If nothing else a lord...
The actual article. Acolytes are now wizards. Their bolt thing is a spell to improve the rend of their ranged attack (much like the SCE that can...
That is amazing, and a great way of improving Tzeentch's frontline survivability. I hope they also improve some of the save values to be better...
definitly this. But I'm curious what in the world happened to it to make it look like that. It looks halfmelted, but there's also too much left...
Minimalistic can still be done with more than just slabs of metal. Especially if they then still get to wear nice scale armour. Overall it just...
the hell happened with that one?
Well they could still make it more interesting. Give them a helmet with the leering face of a daemon or something. Dwarfs are usually artisans so...
o it isn't amazing. But it does mean that even relativly "harmless" targets like arkanauts do at least get a free hit in. It's the difference...
Well that's a shame. Still makes em far scarier to deal with in melee. Well since those things stack, it'd still be painfull to deal with :p
meh that looks more like someone bolted a couple of steel plates to a dwarf, almost like orkish armour. Both KO and dispossed have what appears to...
o boy, near immortal fyreslayers that get to punch you for free when they die. That's gonna be interesting.
1) KO 2) Regular dwarfs 3) Fyreslayers 4) Chaos dwarves (I simply don't know enough about em to care)