Sounds cool, I change that to d3. As for knights it was a 3 inch movement buff, to bring them in line with other cavalry. Other than that no real...
Sounds good, the only things that received slight weals were a few things with saurus, mostly speeding up knights, shifing attacks on warriors,...
Alright slight update: all of it has been transcribed and is being edited down, mainly fixing grammar and dropping redundancy and working out...
Yeah that would be pretty awesome
Maybe a teleportation nexus where units can gather and it generates cp? We could also do temples, that would be cool
Alright back on topic, I have gotten around to transcribing more stuff, so far looks good might need to iron out a few things but over all very...
If I have the time I should give this a try
We speak American! In all honesty considering the fact that English is not your first language and the fact that your messages are fairly easy...
It’s time consuming and I’m still editing out grammar but I have a few warscrolls down. School has been a huge burden though and has delayed me alot
Wonder how many will die
Cruelest thing you’ve done to a teacher shoot; Here is mine. For a teachers birthday I drew a grim reaper ticking off years of her life.
Still working on saurus artifacts but school has slowed my progress, I get get them in around the weekend. I also have been slowly assembling a...
Yes, the Astrolith bearer is a very powerful support character, offering rerolling hits and casting bonuses. If your taking an army where...
Pretty cool conversion idea, if you do it can we see the results?
I also play to kill the degenerate scum known as the storm cast eternals
I can get the saurus artifacts, I have a few ideas
I just play for the lizards
Progresses has significantly slowed, with multiple projects getting me so here is some of the small stuff I have gotten to work on, namely the...
I would say that was a win, even if it didn’t end like one. The fact that you controlled the objectives and the misreading of the rules by your...