It’s a cool idea, but he lacks fly and to do this would mean sinking more into this to make it even somewhat viable.
Send in the results, as the process you used sound pretty cool
My guess is would a bastiladon work against him or maybe a carnosaur rush? His spell game is on point but his Melee is lacking in multiple regards.
In high school, with so many people disease quite literally spreads like wildfire. Anti vax kids go first...
Dunno, that’s a pretty awesome commercial
:wtf::wtf::hungover::vomit: So we basically have abominations called stormcast, and I’m pretty sure that they are a curse
Then a stegadon showed up and trampled it. Cause lizards
It’s a cool concept, but as a reptile owner it’s hard to see an animal suffer from a horrific genetic defect
Man that was interesting to see. I do agree with your stuff on our killing power, it’s poor. However we do have stuff that can decently block...
The very horrific picnic “And I though wasps were bad” Malekith “Oh shit, that’s not a seagull” Teclis, enjoying a sandwich on the beach...
Just hit 900, and only 100 away from becoming a carnosaur!
Oh geez, what happened to Gotrek? I’m guessing based on the fact that it’s lord Kroak, spells were involved
It’s cool. I claimed I voted high elves because of their good infantry But in truth it was for the giant flying lizards
At my school, overcrowding is a huge issue. So my solution; introduce a pack of hungry wolves to roam free in the hallways! [ATTACH]
I like the blue color, it does look pretty cool, but if you find something you like more then go for it
Awesome cold one color scheme!
To quote a certain man; “NOW THATS ALOTTA DAMAGE!”
So maybe both carnosaurs and all the razordons while leaving the knight screen and supports on the ground? That would be a terrifying thing to drop in
I will be to the point here, he is a very powerful unit in the right right situation and as we have seen he can curb stomp just about anything in...
Where are stormcast? Just kidding those abominations can burn I chose high elves because dragons and they have very effective core infantry