Well here are my WIP stegadon pics, so far I am relatively pleased with it [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
This thread is incredible, it has content that has aged beautifully and still looks incredible. While nothing has been added here for a while now,...
Hate it when that happens. Dam adults ruining my fun
I see Arkhan is on the list, do we have any way to say snipe him down?
Is school a form of prison for the youth?
Purge the ratmen and chaos spawn?
That’s a lot of saurus! And saurus are awesome! Keep up the effort, seeing your stuff painted will be awesome!
Memes, works of true art
Well me from the past, it is done. One month and two days in the making.
Hey, you’ve said nice stuff to me so I figure that you deserve the same high quality of treatment. Keep up the awesome work :)
Well I have a stegadon, the Howdah, tons of skinks and a bale wind vortex. I have made good progress on all and hope to finish them this month
Whatever you got next, knowing you it’s gonna look good!
If it fits in my mouth it’s fair game
Dam, your painting is great but your conversions and basing are incredible, you should be very proud of this as your army is awesome
A young one, not full size, but it’s still a massive sewer I mean, this is an awesome idea but we still got stuff to do on the continent outside...
Two fighters, we have yet to meet the rest of the party On the upside we might meet TMNT
Me and a homie recently started a tomb of annihilation campaign and were frolicking around port nyanzaru getting information before we headed into...
Dam. That’s one huge army that is painted exceptionally well! So what are your plans for the future of this mighty army?
I would hope so, but even then removing that extra sunclaw tag would be huge in reducing the points needed to make them run viably. However...
All memes need appreciation, I am glad my like bombing has made someone’s day better :)