Aartzifartzi will be pleased! More offerings! More offerings!
Did you know that AoS has crossed the species barrier? One simple thread rule. So simple, even a panda could follow it, but no. Sigh.
Craken! I thought the evil sellers of prefabricated kitchens had brought about your eternal destruction. Welcome back to the best forum based...
This will make him happy. < squeaks squeaky blot toad toy >
The Temple of AartziFartzi has a fish tank, ready to go.
On first inspection, that sounds brilliant. :) Setting the unit price and increments will need a balancing system of some kind. :(
Next comp theme: Man vs Mr Fussy!
The Old One, Holy Aartzifartzi, requires the sacrifice of fresh art. Any medium, of any standard is acceptable to the Great One. Post your...
OK OK. I'm on it. (Infinite patience you do not have! :turtle:)
Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.
Trying? There is no "try", only be silly, or be silly not. @lordkingcrow, @Kcibrihp-Esurc - Wake up! We demand short story comp entries this...
Oooooh. That makes sense, Trociu. Freud would have a field day analyzing peoples avatar names. Except for @qwerty You might want to ask Mr...
I'm guessing the one I'm doing now will be approx 50000 words and 20 chapters - but I'm happy for chapters to range up to 3500 words. Longer than...
No doubt I will cycle through several ideas, but my first one is rather silly (possibly worse than usual)
OK, @ElectricPaladin's request makes sense, but @Trociu, a fish. Is it particularly tasty?
I had never even seen Matt Ward before! Imagine how funny Robin Cruddace would have been, back in the day. :joyful::joyful::joyful::joyful:
The info laid out by Slanputin is close to my best case scenario of where this is all could have been going. Therefore it will turn to ashes, and...