It's poorly worded but not completely ambiguous. The TG get the buff. (Poor wording, you are back! How we missed you!) In the second sentence...
Did you know that AoS ruined all of our dreams? The players roll off for who goes first in every game turn. (FFPP p2,c3, Battle Rounds) (Flimsy...
That is sweet. More kinds of stunties to kill.
My impressions: Some "enhancements" going 8th to AoS The combat and shooting system is cleaned up. To hit is about the attacker. To save is...
Just double check the third paragraph under glorious victory. You start with three models, summon 21, then lose 21. Your models lost in the game...
I'm not sure there can be a contradiction. In the shooting phase, you choose targets and resolve with the attack rules (roll to hit etc for...
Everyone gets free reforms (within their movement allowance) Piling into combat constitutes another reform. Therefore there is much more freedom...
In the sense that if you don't kill Kroak outright (wounds inflicted during turn + 1xD6 = less than 11) he has full 'wounds" next turn. He would...
Oops so they are. I will amend the above. A lot.
So, except for once at the beginning of each alternate game turn (enemy's turn) you get to choose which combat to complete first - Yes, little...
So, combat only exists in the combat phase (like attacking a building in 8th) Between rounds of melee, you just have a couple of close packed...
The tactical question isn't be "Why shouldn't I try to charge if there is no penalty" It should be "what is the reason I will plan NOT to...
In order to attack an enemy unit, an enemy model must be in range of the attacking weapon ... and visible to the attacker.... (it clearly doesn't...
You mean like when we saw Hype working on a Slann? [img] I think I'd prefer to keep Infinity Turtle in my imagination ;)
I don't know where the heck AoS came from, but I can see where some things are going. Open question to the mods about whether to open an AoS...
Just note that not all of our troops have the daemon tag. Slann don't. Swarms don't. Don't forget that if you need to apply some spell effect...
Back to the Sally and Razor above. Will all of Infinity's army suffer from allergies? What is the worst thing that can happen?
I've got a plan. Infinity, Hype, @Essmir, @The Sauric Ace, me and whoever else draw something and post it on another thread. Not planning to be...
It's an honour, n810.