My boys have officially been the Blue Brothers since this: "Owleggoleggo strutted toward the screeching Horkhatz with the black orc honour guard...
You don't need Bob to lizardize that one - n810 is your man. Just specify what you want it licking or results may be... unpredictable. And,...
Its this eggshell. It concentrates cosmic rays or something on my brain. And the voices... yeah, the voices. Mostly they tell me what to think....
I am going to pick at the edges of what you just said above. "Author avatar" I hear you brother. This is how I approach clamping my worldview...
Thank you both for your kind words, which I suspect are due to the story finally getting interesting. There is not much that Scalenex has pointed...
This will get updated but, pitfalls I wasn't actually consciously aware of that I consider myself likely to fall into (now I think of it) (in no...
Sadly the blue brothers are now outside the range of Taal's influence. In the immediate future they will need to rely on Sigmar's mercy, and he...
Chapter 12. The Order of Purity Bob and Joe crept to the last screen of trees which partitioned the perils of the forest from the perils of...
The honey trap. But mostly because I don't have any secrets worth finding out, therefore I am unlikely to ever be a candidate. Most people see...
check out this little beauty I subdued with my new skillz. (the person) "who was next in line ahead of them." Captured and tamed: "who was...
Excellent topic? ♥Only because you inspired me♥ It will probably happily accept "Scalenex the Dishonoured" if you change you computer settings...
I've got the info I was seeking about story length. Now for some necromancy re: fantasy writer's checklist: I came across this (apparent) gem...
Some other made up ones which might inspire the imagination: City of Mirrors City of Silence City of Mines City of Tombs If somebody is taken...
Oooh! Is the movie one "The City of Slickers"? I liked the old human (Jack Palance) in that one . He died :happy: Spektazuma - warning...
Are you still attached to your Gungan spoon and your jars of MAC? The Jarjar thing was meant to be a mortal insult, which you spoiled by running...
Chapter 11. Taal's Wood Bob and Joe eventually dragged themselves up from the gravel bar and shook themselves off. "That is it." Bob declared....
I haven't read a Tom Clancy book for years, but he has sections (just separated by spaces or dots, not actual chapters). He has multiple...
That is stupid. Who doesn't like ham? Or squashed crows? Stoopid publishing houses.
Yes, Arli is the lizard I meant. Is the research paper about dinosaurs?
It's no more dangerous than your little beam of Chotec stunt, Doctor Strangeskink!