Me too. Classification Word count as used by the Nebula Awards Novel over 40,000 words Novella 17,500 to 40,000 words Novelette 7,500 to 17,500...
Cool intro. I hope that you know the reason the Slann won't face the possibilities regarding Nakai, and that you will trickle us more info over a...
What line spacing do you use? Does a page count mean anything to you per se, or is it more a case of "Oh, so this story will be take longer than...
Oho! Andhe, I just snooped and found out your occupation. I happen to know that there is an unclaimed "musician" Slann avatar on page one of...
And more changes are coming with a new rules release around the corner. Without even touching the 9th edition rules rumour mill, the trend across...
True words, although I am not asking "how long is a valid story or chapter?", but rather "If the bus journey is x minutes long, will I be able to...
New Topic: I have a conumbrum. I note that Scalenex measures his story length in pages (eg. Divided We Fall (~45 pages)). I've always found...
Would that be a khornserve?
I am a lousy general, but I remember reading somewhere that 20 Temple Guard are OK as a Slann Bunker, but 10 is a trap. And If they are running...
I was thinking- "Spreading the Grape Plan" or "Preserving the Fruits of the Old Ones' Labours"
Weren't the soft cushions enough for you? Hmm, you are made of harder stuff!
Chapter 10. The Freaks After it rounded the bend, the River Stir dropped into a rocky defile and rushed ever more swiftly. Mahtis sped along,...
I need no excuse for Shenanigans, and how they split up at the end makes me think more of "Milo and Otis" For the record, that 10 chapters was...
That forest is getting crowded!
Hey @n810, I just wondered if you wouldn't mind avatarising this for @JamJar because I hate JarJar Binks so much and New South Wales won Origin...
My world has turned upside down. Origin Game 2: victory to the Cockroaches @JamJar - I release your real Bob and Friends comic. [img] Caption...
Chapter 9. Another Parting Captain Mahrlecht beckoned to Heimlich. "Look to the... beasts..." he pointed to the four lizardmen. "Ensure they...
The dude get help is when you take your army fluff very seriously, and expect everyone else to as well. It not so much the seriousness of the...
I agree with the Rogue Saurus Chicken Head Guy. The little guys wouldn't confuse matters (assuming same base size), and I think that I would be...
No modesty, Pendrake. It was a prize winning story (prize in the mail) I have some views wrt categories of fluff. 1) Army Fluff. Your...