Anyone else who finds the GW christmass commercials skits they've been doing lately slightly hilarious?
Mwha, announcing upcoming models far ahead of time would probably decimate their sales. If players know a new saurus warrior sculpt is coming...
Happy whatever you wanne call it.
That'd make em bigger than stegadons and carnosaurs so that doesn't seem right That sounds awefully much like a skaven weapon team :p
meh, witch aelves I'm honestly fine with. There's very little that properly counters a "I throw 200 dice at you"-deathstar. A counter like this...
[IMG] So happy skinkmas :p
o for crying out loud... you'd think they'd learn to be more carefull with their phrasing... I guess it balances out against their general lack of...
isn't the plaguetouched warband's effect melee only? Thought they idea was they just bleed on top of you and infect you. And meh, I think it's...
in fairness, they can\t really do all of that at the same time (are mixed mark armies a thing? please tell me mixed marks get punished... o god GW...
mm, thought there were once that managed more.
can't some destruction armies still make the charges with relative ease due to their obscene amount of modifiers?
imho the designs aren't terrible apart from the regular complaints about how difficult they are to put together. They look more or less fine. Or...
It's a support behemoth, but how it supports is rather badly defined. It's supportive effects are all over the place and (especially without...
meh, given how easy a skink priest with priestly trappings is to kitbash it's barely worth the effort of keeping a seperate model for it. The EoTG...
Meh, I like the EoTG even less. It's a mess of a unit with no clear role or purpose. That unit needs an overhaul and be properly focussed into...
well yeah, but this thread was about our worst fears, not about what's possible :p
yeah, but HoS Summons nearly everything in its army regularly, we mostly just spam the same 2-3 units. On top of that, HoS Summoning isn't...
given how powerfull summoning is, and how the mechanic completly depends on 1 model, with little to no options for going heavy or light summoning...
I very much disagree with @LizardWizard my biggest fears would be summoning and LoSaT staying exactly as they are, or worse GW leaning even more...
It should face a chicken of tzeentch, more wings then :p