Availability of stuff on the side changes every so often, it's not a particularly good indication of anything. Our battletome has been unavailable...
yeah, at least they're made out of paper. As long as you can manage to get some hits in you'l eventually wear them down in the worst case. And in...
Kinda curious how significant a debuff that is though. On average they're still going to be outputting 40+ wounds in your little graph and that...
nope, those are the only AoS boxes.
merging the two skink priests could actually be interesting. Both priests suffer from not doing all that much besides casting a single buff....
Clearly we'l just be the GHB 2020 release since everyone else has a tome they no longer need the GHB update :p
Behemoths no longer have restrictions if they're battleline for your faction (see the recent update). So I'd imagine we get that too.
They've explained their process in a white dwarf at some point. They do some playtesting internally and some externally, with drafts. Before doing...
would make sense if this is the scenery. Especially if it's a boat from one of the other aelven factions, or perhaps what they used to flee into...
I've seen some people who've started building it on a lotr facebook group, but noone who's explained the dimensions yet (or put it next to any...
Yet more agreeing/understanding with me? What is the world coming too :p
Tzeentch also doesn't have a proper 2nd edition tome either. They're not as lacking as seraphon and KO. But they especially lack durability, close...
how does it measure up if you stick a SCE or something on top of it? Does it actually fit? Does it tower over it? The actual symbols I mind a lot...
Lotr doesn't have a whole lot with sukken shipwrecks though, or even generally the sea. I'd be surprised if they did something there with what...
The actual changes are on the site now Fun fact about slaanesh, all their summoning values got changed. Literally all of em. Varying from +5...
also even if we did, we could still burn spells as long as we'd have targets. Though in fairness, I doubt what we do is as they intended it and...
yeah except that adeptus mechanicus players will already have a million techpriests anyway since it's their only hero and comes in virtually any...
Shame he doesn't get any rules though.
meh, I don't think it's that bad. Plus they test themselves as well. If only cuz most of the designers like playing the games themselves. So you'd...
KO are better though :P