It really makes me wonder what they used to playtest them. Did they somehow only playtest against factions who relied heavily on ranged firepower...
clearly the end times are nigh.
meh, it's fiddly and depends a lot on getting the calibration right. Also, personally it'd annoy me a lot to have to pull out my phone every...
meh, if we're going to have to stick to this boring system I'd at least like to see the following: 1) Better spells so there's a harder choice in...
the vast majority of stuff is released without a rumour engine. Especially in bigger releases. There's only 1 rumour engine or so per week or so,...
Another bonus: if a scenario or realm gives you acces to more spellcasts those can also be spend for more points (there's a command ability in...
meh, they still hit like a wet noodle. The only reason they get even remotely dangerous is because at some point you're just throwing 100's of...
they'd need some absolutly ridiculously powerfull traits since as it stands a slann can always just summon the skink and saurus heroes anyway, or...
issue with abstaining as a mechanic is that you get essentially what we have now. A model that's little more than a summoning battery sitting in a...
I know, the downside of being different. Not the first and not gonna be the last time it happens :P Also, people have the nasty tendency of only...
I'd assume the summon cost of stuff would be adjusted accordingly to keep things balanced. Keeping the current summon costs but overhauling the...
personally I'd go for the following: - Slann generates X points, and A points for every nearby starseer and B points for every nearby...
Basing it off command points would be worse. 1) You only get 1 command point/turn so there's not very little room to play around with. Right now...
again, OP doesn't necesarly mean actually usefull. It just means it's overpowered in a certain aspect.
As long as the entire table is technically possible guessing where we'd go is nigh impossible defensivly at least. Also, personally not a fan to...
that's hilarious. And also quite possibly quite OP.
that'd be horrificly overpowered. It'd make priority targets nigh impossible to attack. Also quite frustrating to play against. Decently fun to...
Nagash is OP as a wizard due to his 9 casts & + 3 to cast. With these bonusses he'l always end up breaking the magic system if it ever gets in a...
It is objective, all you need to do is define the cut-off point for "problematic" which you can easily do by some objective measure. Arbitrary,...
I disagree, I have an alternative, but I doubt I'l convince you of that alternative so sure :p