More usefull measures are to compare stuff to equivalent models. If the difference is too large you have something problematic. E.g. - if an...
yes movement is important. But not in literally every situation. There's inevitably going to be a situation where it doesn't matter that they're...
That's just no save. That's different from a 7+ save. @LizardWizard do you have the anwser?
don't natural 6's succeed anyway regardless of modifiers precisly to prevent modifiers from making it impossible to hit/wound/save? Or was that...
Temple guard are in a bad place as they combine 1 wound with a potential 2+ re-rollable rend-protected save. Which is either far too resilient, or...
Heavy armour is of course allowed, however it shouldn't be outright unkillable by "normal" troops. Imho the bigger issue is the eternal armsrace....
meh, we've got kroak who's literally too busy killing daemons to die. So even if all the slann technically "die" that wouldn't necesarly mean we'd...
Something's OP when the "counter" boils down to "just minimise the damage it causes and don't bother trying to defeat it". Or worse were the...
1) - remove some of the focus on summoning - rebalancing of basicly everything, a complete rework of some but that's far too much to list here :p...
this. Skinks themselves are all sorts of terrible. And although wary-fighter is a fun ability & occasionally allows you to do something vaguely...
They are definitly OP. But people keep thinking being OP means you'l win everything (or at least most things), which it doesn't. People are far...
It's still limited though, and incredibly dependent on how well you (and your opponent) can position. The better your opponent can position (or...
have you never watched a shonen, fighting is how men make friendships :p
I feel these polls need an "whatever would annoy Nightbringer most" option :P
Look, none of them are amazing. But they all have rather usefull abilities especially for chaff. Usefull enough that your opponent is going to...
mwha, some of em could be usefull Furies - Basicly skinks, but they can actually kill something The unmade - enemies within 3" can't retreat Iron...
I feel this belongs here. [IMG]
An army made of warcry warbands for STD. It looks decently interesting.
meh to be honest, there also isn't a whole lot they can do with fyreslayers beyond what they already have in terms of variety. - They don't wear...
Out of the GW ones, imho KO are the most interesting. They're novel while staying true to the original concepts. It's one of the few good examples...