Lore wise Kroak is arguably the single most powerfull creature in existance currently, with maybe the exception of dracotion, he's the only one...
It only works in single player campaigns and only the player can use it.
yeah it's a bit of a weird one. It has some random spikes, but is also fairly clean. It's a rather odd combination.
KO also don't have spikes like you have on that rumour. Even if they're small.
Ladies & gentlemen our quintuple slann, a devout follower of the great plan...
yeah, but every other use is either massive overkill. You're not going to need this ability to deal with a faction that has only a handfull of...
| It's not, this is the top side of the wing. IT has more bolts and the joint looks very different. [ATTACH] Also the rumour engine has spikes...
eh, that's novel. And obviously the internet is in an uproar about it. The AI fortunatly cant use it so it won't randomly ruin your game. And...
well that teleport is a tad random... guess they need it to be able to deal with the powercreep in mobility. Bit weird though given that it's a...
Perhaps :P Though in fairness, they could organise their site better. Or at least not load all rumour engines for 5 years or something...
I can only see the mask on the new chaos lord and the human skin on warriors. Which are the other two? edit: found the third one, warrior holding...
one day people will see :P
The tzeentch one can't buff himself cuz he's no longer a wizard. The slaanesh one can't benefit from the buff without supporting Slaanesh STD...
Also, the pre-orders are up, the start collecting box indeed doesn't include a secret beast they just meant the karkadrak. It is a terrifying...
I mean that the old mark bonusses where also beneficial when you ran an army of one of the main chaos forces. E.g. previously you could stick a...
meh, the new STD scrolls are a bit of a dissapointment. They're much more difficult to slot into a main chaos list now. For example the daemon...
mm, I'l see if I can get my hands on it.
anything that doesn't melt the plastic models if I don't pay attention for a second?
What's a good way to clean paint of models? I found my old Lord of the Rings models and well, they're terrible so I'd like to repaint em. Or at...
Some lore just for you :p