the pre-orders go up this weekend, so I guess there'l only be another teaser at that point. There's only so many rules you can tease without just...
it also makes a proper strategy based on magic impossible as the cool effects tend to be limited to one spell. So making a list where for example...
I'm disagreeing in this case with the notion that it it doesn't say you can't. But that's how I read the limitation "at the start of". As far as...
meh, trophies are largely fine. It'd be a bit odd, but ultimatly they don't matter and you can always make up some fluffy reason for it. Just...
Wait, you get to choose to reveal it or not? That's horrificly powerfull as that gives you a far better chance at getting whatever situation...
On average it's still going to take you at least 2 salamanders to get a single hit in, and that's ignoring the fact that they still have a save. I...
you can only use it once since you can only use it at the start. Once you've used it you're passed the "start" so you can no longer use it again....
theoreticly yes, it'd function as a buffer against rend I guess with natural one's failing anyway.
as for your initial question, the basic tactic is sound but skinks aren't much of a worthwhile target. Ignoring them and going for the guard first...
damn, 28% when there's 55 possible allegiances being picked is a disturbing outlier... Salemanders like volume of fire, you'l kill a couple but...
yeah, it doesn't change much. It just gives them the advantage of knowing it beforehand. At least assuming they can't influence the diceroll. If...
To be honest, looks rather good. It's fluffy, it seems sufficiently powerfull to be impactfull, but nothing that immeadiatly appears broken. meh...
It's a public page so you could just go there I guess. Still requires you to go to the actual facebook though, but I don't think you need to log in.
Unless A'tuin turns out to be an old one I'd find that unlikely. To be honest the worst part about this is that those mechanics would actually be...
urban dictonairy and the like say it's flavour, I guess because it doesn't necesarly refer to 1 favorite unit or army, but can also refer to...
Feel free to enjoy whatever you enjoy, my apoligies if you felt like you can't. I very much doubt anyone stays in the hobby for long without...
yeah, and it still has the chariots if you want those. So it has a place I guess.
A look at the actuall SC stf box. Seems like indeed the chaos lord's mount is the new beast and they simply failed to proofread their previous...
he/she/it immeadiatly makes you into a pie after killing you obviously.