yeah it's weird, AoS only has ruins, graveyards and spikey fortifications as terrain. 40K on the other hand at least has working factories and...
Also, snitch has loyal skaven lords. Which is nice. Loyalty is always a mechanic I dislike.
well you also have relativly simple stuff like Neave Blacktalon, it's a beatstick, with an anti-hero bonus & she gets some synergy with the...
well yeah, but I can imagine making a seperate sculpt being a thing that's relativly costly. Or at least I'd assume that'd be the most costly...
Yeah, given their general tendency to dress up I always assumed this was one dressed up in drag. Kinda curious now. I really want to know if this...
there's also the fact that the bonepeople are just not all that inspiring. It's yet another undead faction, it's yet another subfaction of Nagash,...
that too.. makes you wonder what GW's wants to make a named hero. Does it always need to be a unique sculpt? Does it need to be a character from a...
wait are those supposed to be female? Doesn't that make em the first female oger models ever for GW/FW?
o, that could be a nice one. Though a shame they didn't show a picture of it. I am definitly interested in this one though. The karkadrak already...
yeah, the model itself is quite cool. I guess it's part of the issue of having a (demi-)god being playable. It's very difficult to get a character...
Being more interesting than the bone people isn't a large hurdle to jump :p
He's powerfull, but not necesarly super interesting cuz powerfull is all he is. There's very little subtility to him.
meh, I do hope thy'l introduce at least some non-hero named guys. It's kinda lame to only have slanns and noone else of importance. Mwha, it...
Slaves to darkness stuff announced. They get some endless spells. Also the description of their new SC box mentions 10 warriors, 5 knights, a lord...
as if the skaven didn't have enough artillery yet... In general, warhammer TW has an absolute ton of ranged weaponry. It's getting annoying.
o, that one's cool. I need it :p
Well maybe the great plan did eventually involve the lesser races learning how to create races themselves. It's more than doable to make that doable.
imho, archeon seems like a horribly boring character to build an army around. He's too powerfull but doesn't have anything particularly...
Underneath, sure. As long as noone can ever see or know :P Well, someone introduce a new rumor :p
nah, finally a true chaos god he joins the SCE creating chaos and suffering by only releasing SCE stuff, forever. Which he has to sculpt himself...