Semantics :p Go back? As if you ever stopped.
linking to other posts isn't much better than double posting though
o yeah, doubling up wouldn't be particularly fun. At that point you're just spamming.
Is the only limit that you need to wait 15 seconds between posts? No ban after 1000 in a day or something? :P Also, that'd require 3.250 posts...
Sorry, did you say something? ;)
what kind of unholy abomination is this? It looks too chaos-y
well that's just no fun.
As for javalins being terrible in melee. They frequently are designed on purpose to be super flimsy and either break or bend on impact so an...
There's not enough dead fyreslayers in those pictures :p
That just seems weird and wildly inbalanced. What's the point of punishment of death? The other options are vastly more powerfull unless you're...
Bone people seem to be super strong statwise with some abilities that also seem increadible from what I've seen so far. Ogres seem to be fairly...
But where's the challenge in that? Don't just cheese stuff :p
just wait till he reaches your dizying heights of posting :p
I think he meant remove the allegiance ability from the GHB and have them be in their proper battletomes. As for the ogers: - Gnoblars seem to be...
The two terrain pieces are bugged. Was curious about those two mostly.
nah, it wasn't that good. You can do better :P
Meh, George Lucas never really made the properly good starwars stuff. He ultimatly laid the ground work, but most of the really good stuff came in...
Stuff is up for pre-order. Looks like the ogers get no endless spells. Which is odd. Also, some models have slightly updated rules for the ogers....
Sigh... should've seen that one coming
Yeah, not not by a long shot. Especially now that mickey mouse has decided 99% of the good stuff is no longer canon. Not sure, quite possibly....