Assuming the aesthetic between the AoS faction and its WFB isn't radically different yeah. Which raises the question, how are they going to ensure...
well mostly cuz you keep saying things so I respond, there's a lot of talking but not a whole lot being said I think :p And I somehow doubt,...
well yeah, but what happens when lizardmen or seraphon get a new model? Will it only exist in one universe, despite clearly fitting in with the...
Well then start with the info 2 years ahead instead of 3-4. Even as a corperate announcement it feels weak and not worth bringing into the world...
sidenote, does anyone know when the battleforces finally become available to order?
meh I'd at least have released some information. e.g. we're making a game of type X. You can (or cannot) use models in both AoS and whatever this...
Of course KO and SCE can't appear in the old world. But seraphon/lizardmen, most of chaos, cities of sigmar/empire, greenskins & ogers, anything...
One of those threads has already devolved into "meme's for the meme god", and the "discussion" here consists mostly of people either saying "cool"...
well give something to actualy discuss then. Cuz speculating about "we'l do a thing" is boring as it could essentially be anything.
in all honesty, this is a terrible announcement as they haven't actually explained anything beyond "yeah we're gonna do stuff with the old world...
meh, this seems likely to backfire. But we'l see I guess. I do hope they'l figure out a way to re-use models between the two games though.
somehow this does not seem like a great idea...
the various maneaters, the gorger, the firebelly, the yetti's, the butchers & you can still get the old tyrant as well it's all still finecast...
yeah, I doubt it's just selling their leftover stock.. that'd just be weird and piss off a lot of people who are expecting something grand....
Which imho feels very bad. As it's an artifical difficulty. It's annoying as hell when your frontier city happens to be a minor settlement. Also...
Also to add to the sisters cheat dice, even more dice if you play the right order. This seems so much better than tzeentch's cheat dice. I hope...
meh, how reliable are they? I mean I have no idea who these people are so it's just random people on the internet saying things.
meh, ancient egypt is a fairly standard inspiration for fantasy stuff as well. Especially when you go for tombs protected by ancient curses &...
Meh I disagree, it's a pain to manage two armies early on (and 3 a little bit later, and 4 a little bit later again.. in general the whole empire...
meh, they are more unique I guess, bretonnia and tomb kings are kind of bog-standard fantasy factions. Sisters of battle is not something I've...