By that logic even SCE are rather small. liberators and judicators, the various paladins, the various dracoth units, the two vanguard raptors...
they also get 1 per turn baseline. And it is still a hell of a lot more reliable than what tzeentch gets. Plus, you only need to trigger one out...
They have a handfull of ways to generate some, there's a spell & a command trait and I think some artifacts as well. However, nowhere near to the...
this does probably speak volumes about their ranking yeah... yeah, but he doesn't exist yet, so 1 for now :P Winrate isn't very relevant, doubly...
Some rules for the adeptus sorerita's have been revealed and they got cheat-dice like tzeentch has in AoS. However, an important difference is...
They remove and add that one seemingly at random to games. Rome II also didn't have it. And I'm not sure if Atilla had it either. The biggest...
looks far too smooth and lithe for a chaos mammoth
given that chaos dwarfs are currently 1 random model in a warcry warband, nowhere I guess.
meh the middle is going to be something like 90% of the playerbase. The extremes are nearly always fairly irrelevant when it comes to things like...
yeah, the only issue is that getting multiple terrain pieces on the table takes ages. I did some calculations when it first came out which should...
Might also be that they can then more accuratly predict demand and thus what they should stock up on. Both of those should result in noticeable...
Made some terrain, or well, the first parts. Still half a cathedral left to paint.[ATTACH] And especially for @NIGHTBRINGER a badly wounded...
True, the style of bracelet, the the type of gem both are very tzeentchian. You can see loads of em on the various units. Though none of them have...
mm, that might be more noticeable yeah, especially when a new faction is released with a load of hype and they can count on a reasonable chunk of...
imho looks more like an antler. Split tails like the skinks sometimes have tend to be more evenly split into two. And these two ends do not look...
O these rules are not necesarly (all) bad. Sorry for being unclear. The point was just that they exist, and have an impact on the game and enforce...
A fixed meta doesn't necesarly mean you only get 1 way to play a certain army. Generally speaking there will be some variance. But it'l mean that...
It's the combination of netlisting/cookiecutter builds alongside the fact that the developers release stuff designed around a specific themed...
meh to be honest the skaven already have too many units half of which you'l never use. If they're going to make their roster even bigger they...
Also, this is an issue that you get when 1 ability is used as a massive crutch and your entire balance becomes dictated by it.