Also, theres the fact that a seraphon army just went 5-0 at some tournament. Granted mostly cuz it was tailored to work well at the tournament &...
well at least the flail didn't turn out to be an oger, which wouldve been one of the more likely ones. So there's that I guess.
Some fluff about the bonepeople. Apparently if a general fails Nagash he might be turned into a horse. At least it's a novel punishment. Still...
the old ones seem to have largely dissappeared from the lore in AoS. So yeah at this point it's just warpaint or random patterns that happen to...
Essentially some people who don't really know about the tau think it's communism as explained by cold war era western propaganda. Neither of which...
get the GHB and just print the various warscrolls from the site if you don't want the app and you've got 99% covered. It's still cheaper than...
It's a mortal wound save only now, that also occasionally reflects damage back to the attacker, cuz why the hell not.
meh, it's a reasonable metric. Provided you take into account it's limitations, like how the tests are dependent on culture & language as well as...
That seems to be relativly common. I think in mine I had two just randomly die.
it's been a rather wild ride.
It was my first run with Nakai & I was mostly screwing around, trying to make a full kroxigor army, so wouldn't be surprised if I did some stuff...
O it was far too early into the game for that. Though I'd find it weird if they're that dependend on their various upgrades. I know. However, do...
again... it's basic multiplication, we're not doing anything remotely complex. It's not a matter of liking math, or even being good at it. Not...
meh, imho the SCE set is the only decent one. Might be a fairly boring faction but at least the box itself is decent and actually forms a coherent...
Also, I'm halfway dissapointed they didn't put the ogers in a battleforce box. They've got to be the singlemost uneventfull release in AoS. Plus...
meh, last campaign I did I gave up after one of the first quest battles. I first got screwed by my vassals being useless and the AI attacking...
I don't get why they didn't just go for a full squig or full troll box. It'd be a great starting box, while also being great for expanding an...
That seems messy though.
it's grade school level maths, if you need experts for that level of "domain knowledge" something is very wrong... Not to mention that there is...
damn that's quick..