Ogers finally getting an article. Does looks relativly promissing. And it also shows some of the other new effects that are supposed to buff em.
well sometimes its good to wander without wanting to get anywhere
well that looks less interesting.
who said anything about expecting different results?
what is that from? IT looks weird.
I mean sure, death can have the focus. But right now everything seems to revolve around them. Plus, the fluff should give plenty of reasons to...
How the hell do you screw up multiplying two numbers in a freaking computer program. That's goes far beyond bad programming.
wohoo allies, surrender @NIGHTBRINGER you can't take us all And yeah, given that statuette is a seperate classification in english, it would...
Won't stop me from trying ;)
But that's so boring
Tried it in multiple browsers, either nothing shows up or one of this little thumbnails that shows an image is supposed to be there.
eh, the hell kinda of insane spell is that? Death seems to have become the poster child of AoS since the malign portents stuff started. Got an...
I think it depends on where the walls break, or if for example 2 adjecent sections happen to break.
I was refering to how your screenshot doesn't even load for me. Hence my screenshot of your post instead of an actual quote
Might be, no idea what's supposed to be the "average" level for this nowadays. PLus, I've seen some fairly impressive stuff made with fairly basic...
meh, I'm not even against multicasting spells. The issue is that Nagash has his stupid +3 to cast & 8 freaking spellcasts. Which all but...
sigh... well at least maybe they'l finally let go off the rule of one completly then and instead ensure that spamming spells simply isn't...
That seems kind of a bad definition though :p
run at em and flank em. Not much else to do really.
wut? what happened to the rule of 1? looks like an elven waystone. yeah, but even worse as at least versus other armies bringing something...