That is very much true. It does at least mean they're not intending to drop us, even if we only get to be a punching bag :p
That's not important (or at least not for the point I'm trying to make :P). What's important is that there's a massive difference between a...
The cannon especially confuses me. They just released those mercenary company things, one of which features a cannon. And then they dump it. Which...
The average performance might not be (much) weaker, but by removing attacks you remove the maximum potential, and since you have fewer attacks...
Again, don't make both the jaws & claws decay in number of attacks. It'l create far too large a difference between a healthy and unhealthy...
Serphon, Tzeentch suplemented with slaves of darkness & I kinda want to start a squig army, they're funny. I also have a significant amount of...
Meh, I think that might have more to do with the fact that you can only see like 4 saurus in the picture with the orruks. In the picture of nurgle...
Aren't these just based on their older fluff for the various cities that had boxes a year or two back in which they established city Anvilgard had...
meh to be honest, most SCE have enough to distinguish them from space marines visually. Especially the newer, and more elite, ones that tend to...
I think for allies we can essentially ally with anything. As ultimatly we don't care in the slightest about our allies goals provided our team-up...
O yeah, the second one isn't terribly original. I just want some healing & ressurecting which fits well with our summoning theme anyway....
What about making the endless spells interact with summoning? Stuff like: - Geomantic Web: Stationairy endless spell, generates 2 CP + 2 CP per...
Don't do that, it'd make a 4-5 roll the best outcome as a 6+ could potentially only cause 1 model to flee.
Well the video rather proves my point. The entire video is Stephen complaining, beautifully, about how noone plays around with language anymore...
Someone calling english beautifull, that's a first. Especially modern day english is underwhelming to say the least. Though I guess this is more...
I believe in you :p
O yeah, I'm sure we're one of the more active seraphon forums. But we're still relativly small. It's not like we even have 100's of active...
Ah right, I hadn't considered faction terrain yet. Was just thinking about "normal" terrain. Which is considerably less easy to remove. I'd...