Nagash effectivly has 10 tomes anyway since all undeath subfactions are Nagash so they can wait... And yeah, Nurgle was the first with the new...
For some reason the sentence was cut off halfway on my screen. It appeared as "when you use this command ability remove this hero and up to 2...
well there's a difference between a single diplomat (with a few bodyguards) and an actual conclave with a few dozen or even a few hundred...
Your command ability ends midsentence. Also the gauntlets seem vastly more usefull than the maul. The potential debuff of -1 to wound is of...
Meh, there's some spells and stuff that work of bravery as well. It still serves a purpose in those cases as long as it affects the bravery...
Meh, I doubt it, I think we've been fairly consistently at about 500 posts apart since I hit the 3K mark. Doesn't seem like I'm catching up :p
slaves to darkness should become the darkoath I guess. But yeah, they've updated most things now.
nah, we get mentioned in the painting bits of white dwarf every so often. And there were a couple of armies on parade showcases. Also, every so...
your command abilitiy is hillariously overpowered. as it can stack healing your and ancient kroxigor back up from the brink of death and giving...
meh, why would we be fighting the ossiarchs? Their whole thing is that they're obsessed with the bonetithe and are going around collecting it....
meh, I think my lgs has about 50-50 AoS-40K but it's a mess of an organisation so it's difficult to judge. There's definitly a lot more than just...
well yeah... at that rate running out isn't too complicated.. Especially if you don't like many armies.
mm, toys might be a decent one I guess. Depends on how easy it is to make em pretty and how much subassembly is required. That's one of the few...
Course I do, I never start it. I just continue :P
Really? That just seems weird. Was their a major content draught in WFHB? Cuz at the rate both 40K and AoS release stuff, and the size of both...
That is actually something that's becoming worrisome. Especially for stores that aren't just GW stores. There's only so much available shelvespace.
yeah, but if you're not going to print the large things what are you going to print as a normal person? Most people don't wouldn't print the 100's...
mm, if they change up the lore a bit it would be fine. I do hope they do that. Apart from the werid diverigent lore combining them makes perfect...
Most factions had some imaginary troops, half of egypt was imaginary if I remember correctly. Also, put phalanxes directly after a gate, stab the...
Meh, still seems weird in this particular situation. Those others feel more like they'd actually work together better. They simply forget them in...