To be honest what concerns me most about these mechanics is not that they ignore or overrule other abilities. That in itself is fine. What...
It might not happen a lot. But when it does happen it's devastating. And more importantly. It will always force you to play around it.The fact...
To be honest this is the only potential "drawback" I can see in the ability. Everyone always charges you so you get to slaughter them, including...
That'd make skinks even more useless offensivly then they already are. Not that it's that big of a lose, but it just feels so very wrong... Also,...
yeah, but the options for mitigation are minor at best. A horde of 40 will be relativly useable to keep your backline safe. But an army that plays...
Also, don't forget, it completly screws up your backline. Say you got 5 skinks blocking the orruks from reaching a skink priest. There's going to...
It is a mat varnish, I just thoroughly screwed up the lightning on those pictures and couldn't for the life of me get it right. So it's massivly...
Try building it a battalion at a time. That'd allow you to switch between several armies without it becoming too overwhelming and does allow you...
they're interesting. Though I see a couple of issues: Strength of purpose - what does it mean that any ability that negates damage doesn't...
Nearly forgot to upload it here, but I painted a chaos sorcerer on manticore. It wants a hug as clearly visible in the first picture. [ATTACH]...
none so far. Seems a bit large for them. Though I guess it could work depending on how zoomed in it is I guess.
meh, it still looks far too much like metalworking for Seraphon weaponry. Not to mention there's literally not a single seraphon weapon that has a...
meh, too metal-worky. Saurus weapons tend to be fairly basic obsidian weapons with only 1 effective side. Especially the spike on top isn't...
o sweet price :p
at least the tanks look neat. Especially if you can combine it with some other mechanical stuff.
Didn't they specificly F.A.Q. that you could do this with the balewindvortex for us as well at some point?
There's plenty of examples where they don't lose any attack characteristics and just lose to wound or hit values. Anyways, I just don't like...
O cool, I like the protection their minor heroes get. Though I seriously dislike it's only going to be for the general by the looks of it. Also,...
I meant that it doesn't matter that it's better than unit X. If unit X has a bigger gap than that should (imho) be fixed as well cuz that too...
Where have you seen actual updates? So far I've only seen a GW post going "this is a thing that's coming soon"